A Wilderness of Error — FX


A Wilderness of Error is a six-part documentary series based on Errol Morris’ novel of the same name and directed by Marc Smerling (The Jinx). When Army Surgeon Jeffrey MacDonald is sent to prison for killing his family, a storm of swirling narratives challenges our very ability to find the truth, all the while overshadowing a chilling possibility: MacDonald may be an innocent man. 

As a Senior Story Producer on the series, Mae oversaw half of the episodes while also conducting interviews in the field, working directly with editors to shape the narrative structure and conceptualizing recreation scenes. In addition, she was the Second Unit Director on the recreation shoots, where she directed a full second unit crew in pivotal scenes for the series. The series will be released in 2020.


Director Marc Smerling

Story Producer & Second Unit Director  Mae Ryan

Director of Photography Phillip Freisenbichler